Lake Update

We hope that everyone is healthy and safe. We wanted to update the membership on the park’s operations. The Board of Directors recently met regarding how to move forward with the park’s grounds usage and general business.
We are still unable to gather and have a membership meeting where we can obtain a quorum and we’re considering an electronic gathering.  We are hoping that if gathering restrictions loosen soon we may be able to have an outside meeting at the clubhouse. The club is still operating, bills are being paid and the grounds maintained.  To all of you who have paid your dues, thank you we appreciate your prompt response. 
As for the clubhouse and grounds nothing has changed. We are unable to safely rent out the clubhouse for large gatherings. We still ask that if you use the clubhouse area that you practice recommended safety guidelines. Use social distancing especially if inside the clubhouse, wear a mask when needed and clean up afterwards if your using the picnic area. We will be posting reminders for safety and of course will adjust how the grounds are used as this crisis changes. 
Work on the park has been completed by volunteers over the past few weeks and the lake is back to it’s normal level. The dam was painted, the weir gate cleared, grounds cleaned up and debris removed from the lake. 
There has been an increase in guest membership requests for the club and to that end board members Kent Pedersen and Tom Holihan will be handling those requests.  Guest members must be proposed by an deeded rights member who is in good standing and their sponsor is responsible for the guest at the park.  If you are a already a guest member of the club please contact for more information. 
As always if there are any questions don’t hesitate to contact us and you can always get club updates and our Facebook page and at
stay healthy and safeBrian Holihan, New City Park Club